Movement Dynamics I & II

Exploring the 3 Dimensions and Flow Medleys (223-224 MD)
Thursday, July 18, 2019
1 Evening + 2 Days
Thursday July 18th, 2019 7:00pm to 9:30pm Friday and Saturday - July 19th & 20th from 9:00am to 5:00pm

Prerequisite : Brain Gym 101
This course counts towards the 96 hours of electives required for Brain Gym licensure.
It will be offered in French with English translation as required.


Thanks to the wonderful response and large number of registered participants we have rented a larger space in order to have plenty of room to play and move!


This workshop will be held at Mount-Royal United Church.

We will experience several new Brain Gym movements throughout this course, supporting our own unique, freedom of movement, advancing towards our goals with fluidity, openness, confidence and joy. We will observe to what extent our goals and what they represent, impact the way we move, as we increase flow and movement vitality whether in the group or private setting.

The benefits of this course go far beyond relaxation and wellness, including energy balance, as well as the exploration and in-depth integration of the three dimensions (right-left, up-down, front-back). The movements and flow medleys presented here are ideal for Educational Kinesthetics workshops.


Course Content :

  • A kaleidoscope of movement
  • Moving in High and Low Gears
  • Posture and ergonomics
  • Exploring lateralization: Lateraliy
  • Spatial Orientation and Kinesphere: Centering
  • Direct and indirect attention: Focus
  • Sequence of movements: several movement medleys will be practiced, some will be 5 mns long, others 90 minutes, for home or group practice.
  • Action balance to respect one’s personal space
  • F.A.S.T. Action balance for grounded self-expression
  • Daily life and workplace applications
  • Over 30 movement variations (cross-lateral)


Presented by: Céline Sorin, Brain Gym International Faculty Member

I have been practicing Brain Gym for over 15 years. I take great undisguised pleasure teaching courses and facilitating private sessions for children and adults. My reflex training includes Masgutova techniques and Rhythmic Movements. Every year I offer several learning modules to teachers and to professionals, in order to allow them to use Brain Gym easily in their everyday lives as well as to develop their noticing skills for their own benefit and that of people young and old alike, around them. Since 2004, I have participated more and more, in the activities of the Brain Gym France Association. Today, I love being part of that the spirit of sharing, exchanging of great ideas that allow us to create and realize many projects!

Before May 1st: 375$
Regular fee: 400$
Repeat: 190$ (manuel not included)


To select repeat-rate, you must have already participated in this workshop. Bring your own manual.

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