Brain Gym® - Interludes - Summer Series

Beyond Words
Friday, June 11, 2021
3 Days
Fridays - June 11, July 9 and August 13, 2021 - 2 pm to 3:30 pm (Montréal Time)

All workshops are bilingual via Zoom (Zoom link provided upon registration). A recording will be available for registered participants only.

2:00pm Montreal Time, Noon: Mountain Time, 20H00 (8:00pm) France Time.


You can choose 1, 2 or 3 workshops. Please specify which Interlude(s) you are signing up for in the order comments box at checkout.

One special Friday every month come and play with some fellow Brain Gym friends from around the world. In collaboration with Brain Gym France we are beginning this monthly series of interludes to connect, play and share Brain Gym in its many forms.

Brain Gym Canada members are welcome to submit interlude ideas as the project continues to evolve!


Summer Series


Balance in Motion - June 11, 2021

Presented by: Pierre HazeraKinesiologist , Reconnective Healing® & Reconnection® certified practitioner, Yogi & Slalomskateboarder.

Experiment with the 3 dimensions of Brain Gym® to find or regain balance in your daily life. During this workshop we will travel within by being an actor and an observer. We will experiment with different activities to develop and reconnect with our natural potential.

"Brain Gym® activities allowed me to bring joy and play back to learning." 


Brain Gym and Horses - July 9, 2021

Presented by: Solène Le FlochKinesiologist, Educational Kinesiology instructor, creator of Brain Gym® & Horses and of the équinésio® methodology. 

Yeap! Do you think Brain Gym® is awesome? And horses too? Imagine bringing the two of them together? It could only be Super Awesome! I invite you to come and experiment during a live/face-to-face workshop. No need to know about horse riding, just bring your curiosity – discovering joy and happiness is guaranteed!


Brain Gym & Polyvagal Theory - August 13, 2021

Presented by: 
Lisa MarcoviciAn International Faculty member of « Brain Gym® International » since 2015, my goal is to make movement-based Learning accessible to all in a fun and practical way.
Karen MackayBrain Gym Consultant and eternal student, my passion is the exploration and sharing of information and techniques that promote wellness, trauma release and self-care.

“Polyvagal Theory... The science of feeling safe enough to fall in love with life and take the risks of living..." - Dr Deb Dana LCSW

The framework of this theory seems to us to be remarkably similar o the one that Brain Gym offers, simply using different terminology. The basic concepts of Polyvagal Theory will be presented, as well as exploring the parallels between these concepts and Brain Gym’s 3 Dimensions of movement and learning as we being to intentionally tune into our own autonomic nervous system, thereby practicing safe navigation towards self-nurturing and connection to others.


1 interlude:
Regular price: 30$ CAD
BG Canada & BG France members: 25$ CAD


2 interludes:
Regular price: 55$ CAD
BG Canada & BG France members: 45$ CAD


3 interludes:
Regular price: 80$ CAD
BG Canada & BG France members: 65$ CAD


You can choose 1, 2 or 3 workshops. 
Please specify which Interlude(s) you are signing up for in the order comments box at checkout.



To select repeat-rate, you must have already participated in this workshop. Bring your own manual.

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