Brain Gym® is a series of simple and enjoyable movements created by Dr. Paul Dennison, that are used to enhance the capacity for whole brain learning. Educational Kinesthetics (Brain Gym®) is a system for empowering learners of any age by using movement to enable reaching one’s maximum potential.
The physical movements enable children and adults to become alert, focused and ready to learn.
Brain Gym® works by facilitating optimal achievement of mental potential. Brain Gym® promotes efficient communication among the many nerve cells and functional centers located throughout the brain and body, thus freeing our innate ability to learn and function at top efficiency.
The clientele:
Adults, children, students of all ages benefit from these exercises and enjoy the ease of moving and learning they bring. The removal of stress is of great importance in Educational Kinesthetics (Edu-K), thereby supporting success, self-confidence, creativity, communication and organization. Brain Gym® is used to enhance learning abilities at school, at the office, at home and with most daily activities: reading, writing, math, sports, adaptation, concentration, memory, accounting, foreign languages, music, exams...
Brain Gym and me video:
You move through the Brain Gym® curriculum and become interested in being licensed as a Brain Gym® Movement Facilitator or Consultant/instructor? you will find full details on this process on the Brain Gym®Canada website:
You may join Brain Gym® Canada as a student member anytime in order to benefit from discounts and other resources: